Parking Information

Parking Information

In order to park on campus, you MUST have a Parking Decal. No students may park anywhere on campus without a WBH Parking Decal. Students are only permited to park in the South/Student Lot during school hours. Students in after school activities may park in the Student Lot or either of the Staff Lots after 3PM.

Student parking on the campus of WBHS is limited to students having a valid permit on their vehicle.
Parking permits will be allotted to students on a space available basis (including dual enrolled
students). No checks will be accepted. CASH ONLY/ ONLINE PAYMENT WITH APPROVED


1. Your parking PERMIT will be issued by a Staff member only.
2. All students driving and parking on school property must hold a valid operator’s license.
3. The speed limit on school grounds is 10 mph. All drivers will obey the speed limit and follow the proper
directions, signs, and indicated arrows on the roadway or loose parking privileges.
4. School Board Policy #5307: “ The Board shall not be responsible for damages to automobiles or other vehicles
parked or operated on school property”. REPORT ANY DAMAGE IMMEDIATELY TO SECURITY.
5. At no time may a student park in the faculty parking lot. (Disciplinary action will be taken)
6. Students are not permitted to sit in vehicles in the parking lot during the school day. (THIS INCLUDES
LUNCH PERIODS) No loitering in the parking lot is permitted. Your car is not a locker. If an item is left
in your vehicle, permission must be granted from your Administrator.
7. Parking on the grass or double parking is not permitted. It is considered illegal parking.
8. Valuables should not be left in vehicles. ALL VEHICLES SHOULD BE LOCKED!
9. Student Vehicles may be subject to search if there are reasonable grounds to believe that drugs, alcohol,
stolen property, weapons, or other contraband might be present in that vehicle. Decal holders are responsible
for all items found in their vehicle. Decal will be revoked if contraband is found.
10. Parking permits are NOT TRANSFERABLE to another vehicle or another student. If a decal is found on
another vehicle, both parties lose their decals and may face disciplinary action.
11. Students must use due care and respect for others in the operation of their vehicles.
12. Since the parking and operation of student vehicles on campus is a privilege, violations of any of the student
parking policies will result in the following in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct Book:
a. Security Citation
b. Violation Sticker (parent notified & decal suspended
c. Removal of violating vehicle by tow truck (decal revoked)
13. Students who do not maintain an unweighted 2.0 GPA, cut class, and/or have discipline problems are subject to
revocation of parking permit. Decals will be revoked if unweighted GPA goes below 2.0 during the year.
14. All vehicles must park with their front facing the wheel stop (or may be ticketed for illegal parking). *NO
15. Replacement/temporary permits should be taken care of before driving the vehicle to school.
16. When signing in late, you must park in the visitor lot, sign in at the office, and then move your vehicle to the
student lot. Students may not park their vehicles outside of the Student Lot.
17. Internal or External Suspension from school may result in driving privileges being suspended for one semester.
18. If a new decal is needed, you must bring the old decal to the Director of Student Parking with $10.00 (Cash). If
the decal was destroyed in an accident, a Police report must be presented to receive a new decal.
19. The decal must be hanging from the rearview mirror.
20. Students who operate vehicles in an unsafe or reckless manner on school property, on the streets adjacent to the
school, around school buses, or while driving to and from school, may face disciplinary action.
21. Do not park any unauthorized area in the community at any time. (I.E. Malibu Bay & Chapel Trail warehouses.)